Web Development

Marc2Web development team put its brilliant mind in successful functioning of web application and creative ideas in designing the attractive graphics. We exactly know, what it takes to create an effectual web application.

Web development is the notion which enclose activities associated with websites and web applications. Mainstream Web Frameworks like Django and Flask are used by our developers for building real world applications.

Our development services are spreaded in all sectors like ERP Content management system, Social networking sites, E-commerce websites, Database development, Article and blogs, Directory Sites, Discussion Forums and other web based applications.

Java Application Development

Java has been developed by Sun Microsystem and now integrated with Oracle Corporation.

Marc2Web Skilled Java Development Team has gain several years of experience in actively offering scalable and secure platform of Java development services. We not only perform java web development, but also custom java development, to justify business requirements.

Collaboration of Java Development offers versatility in multiple sectors, like finance, HealthCare, telecommunication.

Cluster of brilliant Java Programmers at our company deliver high end and pocket friendly Java application by using framework like J2EE for number of enterprises.

.NET Application Development

.NET is developed by Microsoft and uses Microsoft windows to run its applications.

Network Enabled Technology(.NET) is a multi-function, OOPs based and high-yielding open source.

Our Assigned .NET developer team is enriched with innovation and perfection, to deliver robust desktop applications and web services.

Programmers at Marc2Web provide Custom solutions using ASP.NET, WCF, WPF with latest framework and version of .NET Technology.

Node JS Application Development

Node JS is an Open Source Java Script Framework, and used for developing Server Based applications.

Team of excellent developers at Marc2Web, targets on achieving the full utility of this server-side web application. Developers ring of our company is competent enough in Java Script, hence development in Node JS becomes plain-sailing for them.

Our Client has already been boosted with victorious chat applications and Game servers, as Node JS can process thousand of requests at a time.

Python Development

Mainstream Web Frameworks like Django and Flask are used by our developers for building real world applications. Choosing the language for implementing web application is a matter of taste. Out of server side scripting languages like perl, ruby,python, php we opt for python.

Python is used for building server side web application as well as for Desktop applications, games and development of sites.

Web application can be described as accessing and manipulating data from a web browser but also we have the realization of the way an application should look and feel to the user, based on these considerations’ we choose Java Script libraries like JQuery and Jquery UI.

While developing web application with Python we also perform Unit testing, Cross Browser compatibility, Cross Platform Compatibility, Maintainability. Thus we deploy secure, reliable, robust, integrated and authentic web application to our clients.

Groovy and Grails application Development

Groovy is described as Java friendly versatile and Dynamic language which runs on JVM. It can be used as both scripting language and Programming Language for Java Platform.

Grail is an Open source web framework which is based on Java and Groovy so it can be deployed in to existing Java Web Services like Tom Cat or Jetty. Grail Home page provide assorted already define plug-ins which extend the Grail framework.

Marc2web Web application Deployment services with Groovy and grails are executing smoothly by using Java and its libraries. Our Groovy and Grail Programmers are also well expert in Java Development, so the Clients always receives best business opportunities and appreciable quality Web applications.